difference between JavaScript and VBScrip
difference between JavaScript and VBScrip

What is the difference between Javascript and VBScript?

There are various difference between JavaScript and VBScript.

VBScript is a general-purpose scripting language. It uses the Component Object Model to access elements of the environment within which it is running, such as the FileSystemObject (FSO) that is used to create, read, update and delete files.

JavaScript was formalized in the ECMAScript language standard and was originally implemented as part of web browsers. It allowed client-side scripts to interact with the user, control the browser, communicate asynchronously, and alter the document content that was displayed.

Javascript :

  • JavaScript is the Client side scripting language, prototype-based and mostly used with web browsers.
  • Brendan Eich founded JavaScript and Netscape Developed it.
  • JavaScript works only on the client side.
  • JavaScript supports only functions and uses curly braces for starting and ending function.
  • JavaScript syntax is derived from C language.
  • JavaScript is default scripting language almost in all browsers.
  • File Extension in JavaScript is .js
  • JavaScript uses // or /* … */ for comments.
  • JavaScipt is a case-sensitive language.
  • It runs on the all browser.
  • JavaScript is used for client side validation.

VBScript :

  • VBScript (Visual Basic Script) is the Active Scripting Language, lightweight & designed for a fast interpreter.
  • Microsoft Developed VBScript.
  • VBScript works at both client side and server side.
  • VBScript supports functions & subroutines and uses function and end function for starting and ending function.
  • VBScript Syntax is derived from BASIC language.
  • VBScript is not the default scripting language but can be made by specifying in a scripting language.
  • File extension in VBScript is .vba or .vbs
  • VBScript Uses ‘ for comment.
  • VBScript is not case sensitive language.
  • It runs only on Internet Explorer (IE) browser.
  • VBScript is used for server-side validation.


  • Neither JavaScript nor VBScript is truly object-oriented.
  • Neither JavaScript nor VBScript supports the concept of inheritance.
  • JavaScript makes stronger use of objects than does VBScript.

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